Graph representing work

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322 Bisitak
Jarri zure webgunean

Jarri zure webgunean


The area of the graph between the curve F and the X axis, represents the work carried out by the force between the two positions x0 and x. Review how to use the following visual and carry out the two proposed activities for a better understanding.

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publisher INTEF 06/10/2024 publisher indra_2013 06/10/2024 publisher proyectonewton 06/10/2024 publisher INTEF . 06/10/2024 publisher INTEF 06/10/2024 author Inmaculada Sevila Pascual 06/10/2024 publisher Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) 06/10/2024 editor Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) 06/10/2024 technical validator Jesús Manuel Muñoz Calle 06/10/2024