Our school rocks | ENGLISH IN MY DAILY LIFE

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Ponlo en tu web

Ponlo en tu web


This OER will help to develop students’ English skills and ICT knowledge. The main objective is to introduce students to their new school by carrying out different tasks that will allow them to learn about the facilities, staff or school timetable, as well as to give and ask for personal information. This knowledge will help in the acquisition of the specific competences. At the end of this project, students will have: • Learnt to give and ask for personal information. • Created their own school ID card. • Designed and presented their own school timetable. • Talked about the school facilities. • Created a digital poster with the school rules. • Interviewed Very Important People (VIP) in their school. • Created an audio presentation of their school to publish on the school website.

Área de conocimiento
Tipo de recurso
Tipo de licencia universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Otros autores Laura Pérez Fernández, María Teresa Pastor Pastor, Marta Alberola Tomás y Laura Vera Hurtado para Cedec
Usuario final Alumnado en general
Contexto educativo Aula Presencial
Uso educativo
español (o castellano)
author CEDEC@ITE.EDUCACION.ES 01/04/2024