Designing and advert | English in my daily life

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Ponlo en tu web

Ponlo en tu web


This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about comparisons and how to express ability. They will become an advertiser who design a multimedia campaign for a product they have invented. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.

Área de conocimiento
Tipo de recurso
Tipo de licencia universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Otros autores Cedec Ministerio de Educación
Cedec Ministerio de Educación
Leonardo Boix Tàpia para Cedec
Usuario final Alumnado en general
Contexto educativo Aula Presencial
Uso educativo
español (o castellano)
author CEDEC@ITE.EDUCACION.ES 01/04/2024