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838 Bisitak
Jarri zure webgunean

Jarri zure webgunean

- This activity was carried out with a group of students in the 1st Year of Bachillerato (Arts). First, I explained to them what a PechaKucha presentation is and we also watched some examples. Then, they were asked to create their own mini-PechaKucha presentations. - The process and its outcome can be seen here:

Ezagutza arloa
Resource type
Lizentzia mota universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Other authors Patricia de la Fuente López
Patricia FL
End user teacher
publisher Patricia de la Fuente López 12/03/2025 author Patricia de la Fuente López 12/03/2025 author Patricia de la Fuente López 12/03/2025 author Patricia FL 12/03/2025