Kinetic energy

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The educational resource shows information about the kinetic energy: the kinetic energy of an object is its capacity to change its environment, because it is moving. How far will two balls with different masses and velocities penetrate a block of snow?

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License type universal Licencia de Creative Commons
End user learner
publisher INTEF 01/09/2024 publisher indra_2013 01/09/2024 publisher proyectonewton 01/09/2024 publisher INTEF . 01/09/2024 publisher INTEF 01/09/2024 author Inmaculada Sevila Pascual 01/09/2024 publisher Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) 01/09/2024 editor Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) 01/09/2024 technical validator Jesús Manuel Muñoz Calle 01/09/2024