Dublin | English Speaking Cities

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301 Visitas
Colócao no seu sitio web

Colócao no seu sitio web


Students will travel to Dublin to learn a lot of facts of of this city. Each section is going to take place in a different and famous part of the city of Dublin. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official web pages ● watched promotional videos of Dublin. ● posted tweets ● recorded a video clip ● recorded a podcast ● written an informative text. ● made a digital poster. ● made an oral presentation. ● revised comparatives and superlatives. ● learned quantifiers.

Área de coñecemento
Resource type
Tipo de licenza universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Other authors Leonardo Boix Tàpia para Cedec
End user Alumnado en general
Educative context Aula Presencial
Uso educativo
español (o castellano)
author CEDEC@ITE.EDUCACION.ES 01/04/2024