A music festival in town | Teens crafting communities

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482 Bisitak
Jarri zure webgunean

Jarri zure webgunean


In this project, students are going to create the webpage to create a local music festival in their town. They will learn how to give opinion and describe different types of music, find out about some of the most important festivals worldwide, create a promotional video for the festival and the FAQs guide. They will be able to share their own works and transform their community through music.

Ezagutza arloa
Hezkuntza testuingurua
Resource type
Lizentzia mota universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Other authors Laura Pérez Fernández, María Teresa Pastor Pastor, Marta Alberola Tomás y Laura Vera Hurtado para Cedec
End user Alumnado en general
Educative context Aula Presencial
Hezkuntza erabilera
español (o castellano)
author CEDEC@ITE.EDUCACION.ES 18/06/2024