Areas of planes figures

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373 Bisitak
Jarri zure webgunean

Jarri zure webgunean


These activities are designed to be viewed on a 17-inch screen and with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels because some windows show measurements in centimetres and millimetres that, when viewed with another configuration, won't correspond with reality; and the size of some windows can even be too big. There are two pages for each geometrical figure. On the first page students have to do the equation of the area of this figure themselves. Therefore, the equation is not given. The next page is an exercise to find out its area. The dimensions of these figures are generated at random, which allows us to use them an indefinitely, resulting each time in a new exercise.

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publisher INTEF 27/09/2024 publisher INTEF . 27/09/2024 publisher INTEF 27/09/2024 author Eduardo Barbero Corral 27/09/2024 publisher Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 27/09/2024 editor Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 27/09/2024 technical validator José María Aína Martínez 27/09/2024