Prague: a guide for your end of studies trip

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180 Visitas
Colócao no seu sitio web

Colócao no seu sitio web

Adrián Romero

By the end of this unit, students will have designed a collaborative travel guide with information about Prague and the activities and possibilities that they will have at their disposal during a trip, as well as useful information and tips. To carry out this activity, they will have to learn the passive voice. Finally, they will present their work for the rest to learn about what they have been working on.

Área de coñecemento
Contexto educativo
Resource type
Tipo de licenza universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Other authors Adrián Romero Rodríguez
End user Alumnado en general
Educative context Aula Presencial
Uso educativo
español (o castellano)
author aromrod276 03/05/2024