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350 Visitas
Colócao no seu sitio web

Colócao no seu sitio web


This OER focuses on the students’ selfpromotion in the case of looking for a job. The act of searching for a job will be carried out by students in the future, but we consider as important that, at this stage of life, they get started to reflect on their skills and on what they are like in terms of personality and start thinking of what jobs they could be really good at in the future. With Your first CV, students will be able to get to know themselves better and will become familiar with how to act and what to say during a job interview.

Área de coñecemento
Resource type
Tipo de licenza universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Other authors María José Alcaina Fort para Cedec
End user Alumnado en general
Educative context Aula Presencial
Uso educativo
español (o castellano)
author CEDEC@ITE.EDUCACION.ES 01/04/2024