Regular polygons and circles

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This unit is based on the study of the properties of regular polygons, their basic characteristics and the concept of the circle as a regular polygon with an infinite number of sides. As this unit is aimed at students in their first and second years of secondary education the content is at a very basic, purely constructive level.

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Tipo de licenza universal Licencia de Creative Commons
End user learner
publisher INTEF 15/03/2025 publisher INTEF . 15/03/2025 publisher INTEF 15/03/2025 author Miguel García Reyes 15/03/2025 publisher Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 15/03/2025 editor Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 15/03/2025 technical validator José María Aína Martínez 15/03/2025