Exponential function

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Exponential functions are of great importance in mathematics. These functions are the ones which are most commonly found in the world around us. The following represent examples of exponential behaviour: a colony of bacteria reproducing, the disintegration of a radioactive substance, some examples of population growth, inflation, capitalising money invested with compound interest etc.

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Educational context
License type universal Licencia de Creative Commons
End user learner
publisher INTEF 27/09/2024 publisher INTEF . 27/09/2024 publisher INTEF 27/09/2024 author Leoncio Santos Cuervo 27/09/2024 publisher Educative Technology Institute (ITE) 27/09/2024 editor Educative Technology Institute (ITE) 27/09/2024 technical validator Andrés Piñón Fernández 27/09/2024