Movement (I)

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240 Visites
Posa-ho a la teva web

Posa-ho a la teva web


This teaching unit aims at introducing vectors into the study of movement. There is a revision of the concepts of : Reference system, position and displacement vectors, presented in the 4th year of secondary education (Trajectory) There is a return to fundamental concepts like UM, AUM, UCM presented in previous courses: 2nd year of secondary education:Kinematics; 4th year of secondary education: Rectilinear Movement. and Uniform Circular Movement. Concepts like average and instantaneous velocity are defined, and there is a simulation of the average velocity vector when time tends towards zero.

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Tipus de llicència universal Licencia de Creative Commons
End user learner
publisher indra_2013 08/02/2025 publisher INTEF . 08/02/2025 publisher INTEF 08/02/2025 author Carlos Palacios Gómez 08/02/2025 publisher Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) 08/02/2025 editor Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) 08/02/2025 technical validator Jesús Manuel Muñoz Calle 08/02/2025