Continuity and discontinuities

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This unit deals with the concept of continuity of functions. It carries on from previous units which dealt with limits of functions and the properties of these limits. Firstly, we take an intuitive approach to introduce the concept of continuity through different examples. The unit then follows on with a detailed analysis of the concept of continuity and ends by focusing on the different types discontinuities.

Área de conocimiento
Contexto educativo
Tipo de licencia universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Usuario final learner
publisher INTEF 28/04/2024 publisher INTEF . 28/04/2024 publisher INTEF 28/04/2024 author Belén Pérez Zurdo 28/04/2024 publisher Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 28/04/2024 editor Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 28/04/2024 technical validator Pedro A. Pazos García 28/04/2024