Representing numbers graphically

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This unit explains the steps we can take in order represent whole, rational and irrational numbers on a straight line. The first part of the unit is similar to one we saw previously, which explains how whole numbers are represented on a straight line. The second part shows the geometric process we need to follow in order to represent rational numbers graphically. Finally, the third part illustrates a method which can be used to represent some irrational numbers.

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Tipo de licencia universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Usuario final learner
publisher INTEF . 19/05/2024 publisher INTEF 19/05/2024 author Fenando Arias Fernández-Pérez 19/05/2024 publisher Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 19/05/2024 editor Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) 19/05/2024 technical validator Ildefonso Fernández Trujillo 19/05/2024