Festivities around the world | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about vocabulary about festivities and different English-speaking countries. They will become a researcher who investigate about the main data of a festivity the students have previously chosen. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.
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Let's celebrate!
El objeto de este proyecto es crear una guía para su difusión sobre festivales y cultura en países de habla inglesa y en el país/provincia de la que el alumnado es proveniente.
Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recurso -
English in my daily life: " Lesser-Known Festivities Around the World"
This resource invites students to look at crucial aspects of the culture through lesser-known festivities and establish connections between cultures.
Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recurso -
Festivities in the United Kingdom
This activity is based on the curriculum for the year six of primary education. The final challenge of this project is to create a practical guide to some of the festivities in the UK
Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recurso