Exploring the most challenging English language learning subskills for young learners.

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145 Bisitak
Jarri zure webgunean

Jarri zure webgunean

Byron Flores

Object Learning: Learning English tends to be arduous for many students. Not only are they struggling with active skills like speaking and writing, but they also must deal with passive skills like listening and reading. That is why young learners (YL) are exposed to feeling overwhelmed at embarking on this learning journey; it is essential to acknowledge those challenging subskills that become a “nightmare” for young learners.

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Lizentzia mota universal Licencia de Creative Commons
Other authors Acosta Freire Jaime Joel, Burbano Cayaberal Lida Sarahí, Espinoza Carlier Lida Lorena, Flores Cumbicus Byron Gonzalo.
End user Alumnado en general
Educative context Aula Semipresencial
Hezkuntza erabilera
español (o castellano)
author byrongonzaloflores15 26/11/2024