Mostrando resultados 1 a 7 de un total de 7
  • Som una aula Eco-responsable

    Gisela Roca Hernan
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    Ens preguntem quina incidència tenen les nostres accions en el planeta. Volem conèixer si hi ha realitzem diàriament activitats que son sostenibles. I per tant, ajuden a cuidar la terra. Mitjançant el treball cooperatiu establint rols (portaveu, secretari, material, responsable del temps) treballats prèviament a l’aula. Alumnat en grups de quatre alumnes establert de forma heterogènia i tenint en compte la diversitat de ritmes d’aprenentatge. El material necessari: una tauleta per ...

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    Contexto educativo

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    Aquest recull de materials està pensat per treballar els òrgans i els cinc sentits amb l'alumnat de cicle mitjà. Autor: Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya IBEC Autor: Ferran Estruch Mascarell Autora: María José Fernández

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    Contexto educativo
  • Change Your Fortunes With 먹튀검증커뮤니티

    nysemina nysemina
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    Nowadays in this era, folks choose not only casino activities to put bets on but also alternative activities to put bets consistently. Persons place their bets on various activities, including, horse racing, football, car racing, basketball, boxing, plus much more. Among all of the activities, sporting activities are highly popular among folks to put bets and get cash. Sports betting is a lot higher in trend these days simply because it makes it much easier for folks to win money more rapidly...

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    Contexto educativo
  • Change Your Fortunes With 먹튀검증커뮤니티

    nysemina nysemina
    Resource image

    Nowadays in this era, folks choose not only casino activities to put bets on but also alternative activities to put bets consistently. Persons place their bets on various activities, including, horse racing, football, car racing, basketball, boxing, plus much more. Among all of the activities, sporting activities are highly popular among folks to put bets and get cash. Sports betting is a lot higher in trend these days simply because it makes it much easier for folks to win money more rapidly...

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    Contexto educativo
  • Change Your Fortunes With 먹튀검증커뮤니티

    nysemina nysemina
    Resource image

    Nowadays in this era, folks choose not only casino activities to put bets on but also alternative activities to put bets consistently. Persons place their bets on various activities, including, horse racing, football, car racing, basketball, boxing, plus much more. Among all of the activities, sporting activities are highly popular among folks to put bets and get cash. Sports betting is a lot higher in trend these days simply because it makes it much easier for folks to win money more rapidly...

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    Contexto educativo
  • Change Your Fortunes With 먹튀검증커뮤니티

    nysemina nysemina
    Resource image

    Nowadays in this era, folks choose not only casino activities to put bets on but also alternative activities to put bets consistently. Persons place their bets on various activities, including, horse racing, football, car racing, basketball, boxing, plus much more. Among all of the activities, sporting activities are highly popular among folks to put bets and get cash. Sports betting is a lot higher in trend these days simply because it makes it much easier for folks to win money more rapidly...

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    Contexto educativo
  • Change Your Fortunes With 먹튀검증커뮤니티

    nysemina nysemina
    Resource image

    Nowadays in this era, folks choose not only casino activities to put bets on but also alternative activities to put bets consistently. Persons place their bets on various activities, including, horse racing, football, car racing, basketball, boxing, plus much more. Among all of the activities, sporting activities are highly popular among folks to put bets and get cash. Sports betting is a lot higher in trend these days simply because it makes it much easier for folks to win money more rapidly...

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