English Speaking Cities: Chicago
Project-based units to be used in 3rd ESO.
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English Speaking Cities: Chicago
Situación de aprendizaje de la materia de inglés para 3 ESO que he creado con exelearning y licencia CCBYSA para que mi alumnado aprenda dicha lengua extranjera mediante un aprendizaje basado en proyectos desarrollando tanto las competencias clave como las competencias específicas. Trabajaran de forma individual, en parejas y en grupos siempre heterogéneos. Cada vez que finalicen un nodo/página completarán su diario de aprendizaje para reflexionar sobre su aprendizaje. En el nodo que ...
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School of Wizards. I became an amazing wizard! | Extraordinaries Ones Academy
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the world of wizards. Students will develop the key competences and the specific competences. At the end of this project, they will have learnt to: •to debate and take decisions •to understand and produce oral and written messages •to interact and mediate orally and with written information •to explain information and remember details •to develop research skills and visual design skills •to learn vocabulary related t...
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Schools of Monsters. Me as a Monster! | Extraordinary Ones Academy
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the world of monsters. Students will develop the key competences and the specific competences. At the end of this project, they will have learnt: •The alphabet and English phonics. •verbs of actions, verb ‘to be’ and ‘to have got’. •to count until 30 and ordinal numbers until 10. •to introduce themselves. •to express feelings and emotions. •to apologise. •to know the days of the week and the months of t...
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School of Wizards. New at school | Extraordinary Ones Academy
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the world of wizards. Students will develop the key competences and the specific competences. At the end of this project, they will have learnt: -To read and write letters and emails and to analyse their structure. -To debate, organise and take decisions. -To describe what they are doing in a specific moment. - To describe using the verb to be and to work in the past. -Vocabulary related to personality descripti...
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Students are going to think of ways of making a positive impact on the world around them as well as mastering their English skills through engaging, interactive activities. Through service learning, students will develop the competences that define their output profile when they finish their compulsory secondary school years. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read web pages about how to improve schools. ● listened to podcasts about educational issues. ● learnt vocabulary about e...
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Students are going to think of ways of making a positive impact on the world around them as well as mastering their English skills through engaging, interactive activities. Through service learning, students will develop the competences that define their output profile when they finish their compulsory secondary school years. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read web pages about sports. ● watched videos about the benefits of sports and inspiring world athletes. ● taken part in a g...
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A music festival in town | Teens crafting communities
In this project, students are going to create the webpage to create a local music festival in their town. They will learn how to give opinion and describe different types of music, find out about some of the most important festivals worldwide, create a promotional video for the festival and the FAQs guide. They will be able to share their own works and transform their community through music.
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Invent, impact, inspire
Students are going to think of ways of making a positive impact on the world around them as well as mastering their English skills through engaging, interactive activities. Through service learning, students will develop the competences that define their output profile when they finish their compulsory secondary school years. At the end of the project, they will have: ● learnt about social inequalities. ● reflected on the needs of our community. ● watched videos about inventions and pate...
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Home is where the art is | Teens crafting communities
In this project, students are going to organise a local art exhibition to showcase their own artworks. They will learn how to give opinion and describe different works of art in their town, find out about some of the most important museums worldwide, write an artist bio and describe an art piece. They will be able to share their own works and transform their community through art.
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Building businesses, changing lives | Teens crafting communities
Students are going to think of ways of making a positive impact on the world around them as well as mastering their English skills through engaging, interactive activities. Through service learning, students will develop the competences that define their output profile when they finish their compulsory secondary school years. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read web pages ● watched videos of entrepreneurs ● listened and recorded an interview ● given advice ● revised present ...
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We could have thought about our planet before | Agenda 2030
To develope the key competences and the specific competences (multilingualism and interculturality, oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression, oral and written interaction and oral and written mediation) at the same time you practice basic knowledge such as present perfect simple and continuous, past perfect, relatiave pronouns, defining and non defining clauses and vocabulary retaled to sanitation, industry, innovation, infraestructure and sustainable cities and communit...
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Writing a newspaper | What a digital world!
Students will become familiar with the world of journalism by working on the contents of this resource. They will learn about key vocabulary and will have the chance to practice the English language with listening and reading activities, but above all, through writing and speaking tasks. The tasks intend to be like those situations that students could face in the future in the event of becoming journalists. Apart from that, as this resource fosters reading news articles, it can make students ...
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Washington | English Speaking Cities
Project-based units to be used as materials for class in 3rd ESO.
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Toronto | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to Toronto to learn a lot of facts of Canada and its main cities. Each section is going to take place in a famous part of the city of Toronto. There is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official web pages. ● watched promotional videos of Canada. ● posted tweets. ● recorded a video. ● recorded a podcast. ● made a digital poster. ● learnt the second conditional. ● learnt how to use “had better” and other modals...
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Sydney | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to Sydney to learn a lot of facts of Australia and its main cities, design and record a podcast about a topic of their interest. Each section is going to take place in a different and famous part of the city of Sydney. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: read official web pages watched promotional videos of Australia. posted tweets recorded a video recorded a podcast made a digital post...
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Safer Internet | What a digital world!
Safer Internet presents relevant contents related to Internet security. Within this OER, students will learn about some tips on how to recognize secure websites and how to search on the web in an effective way. The contents, activities and tasks will enable students to learn and extend their vocabulary about the Internet. This resource includes several learning situations in which students can develop their communicative skills.
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New York | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to New York to learn a lot of facts about America and its main cities and design an infographic about their lives. Each section is going to take place in a different part of the city of New York. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official websites ● watched videos about the city. ● posted tweets. ● recorded a video. ● recorded a podcast . ● made a digital poster. ● learnt the differenc...
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My town | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about their hometowns. They will become touristic guides or promoters of their city by learning about it and design a final product (a flyer or a video). In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.
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Los Angeles | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to Los Angeles to learn a lot of facts about America and its main cities and compose a mental map about one topic of the American way of life. Each section is going to take place in a different part of the city of Los Angeles. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: read a tourist guide. watched videos about the city. posted tweets. recorded a video. recorded a podcast. made a digital poste...
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