The main objective of this OER is to understand the importance of plants in our daily life, knowing their parts and processes, through practical work and research into the sources offered. The learning situation is set out in the form of tasks in which the student: ● Learn the contents of classification of plants, reproduction and nutrition of plants and the flora of the surrounding areas. ● Research using the digital resources provided.
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We will identify and describe the trees we can find in the garden of the school. Then we use this information to prepare a digital botanical guide by using QR codes. Biology and Geology 1st ESO 12-13
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Why are we as we are?
A Learning Situation (Unit 3) for 1st ESO students in collaboration with biology and geography. Students will learn vocabulary about animals and its parts, plants and its parts, weather and aspects of grammar such as comparatives, superlatives and prepositions of time. They will read about climate change and will listen to a weather forecast. The final project of this Learning Situatiion is the creation of a map with Padlet app including characteristics of different climates, countries, anima...
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Consideramos un tema fundamental a tratar en la etapa de Educación Primaria, y más aún en los primeros cursos de la edad escolar: las plantas y la fruta, la educación para la salud así como las partes de una planta o el cuidado de la misma y el entorno natural que nos rodea. La educación para la salud busca promover la responsabilidad personal, incorporando conocimientos, actitudes y hábitos saludables y desarrollar la capacidad crítica para tomar las decisiones que faciliten el cuidado de la...
Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recurso