Applications of the derivative

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281 Visites
Posa-ho a la teva web

Posa-ho a la teva web


Using the concept of the derivative we are going to study some of the local properties of functions. Drawing their graphs will be made much easier through the study of these characteristics. This unit also aims to obtain information about functions from their derivatives.

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Context educatiu
Tipus de llicència universal Licencia de Creative Commons
End user learner
publisher INTEF 27/09/2024 publisher INTEF . 27/09/2024 publisher INTEF 27/09/2024 author Mª José García Cebrián 27/09/2024 publisher Instituto de Tecnologías educativas (ITE) 27/09/2024 editor Instituto de Tecnologías educativas (ITE) 27/09/2024 technical validator Pedro A. Pazos García 27/09/2024