Irene Martinez Marin
Mostrando os resultados do 1 ao 2 dun total de 2
Teaching Philosophy Inclusively: Practical Approaches to Addressing Gender Disparity in the Discipline
Presentación, "Teaching Philosophy Inclusively: Practical Approaches to Addressing Gender Disparity in the Discipline", con herramientas para combatir la desigualdad en las aulas.
Pedagogical Strategies for Increasing the Participation of Women in Philosophy/Estrategias pedagógicas para aumentar la participación de mujeres en estudios de filosofía
Pedagogical Strategies for Increasing the Participation of Women in Philosophy Irene Martínez Marín and Jeremy Page (Department of Philosophy, Uppsala Universitet) 1. Introduction and Motivation 1.1. The problem At the most general level, the problem this paper aims to address is the underrepresentation of women in Philosophy. The data suggests that there is a generalized negative trend of decreasing participation of women as university studies progress from…