Mostrando os resultados do 101 ao 120 dun total de 799
The second law of thermodynamics
The educational resource shows an interactive animation about the second law of thermodynamics for heat engines: it is not possible to achieve perpetual motion based on continuous reciprocal conversion between two forms of energy.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
The first law of thermodynamics
The educational resource shows an interactive animation about the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics establishes that energy is distributed in different ways, but it is not created or destroyed.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
The energy of material systems
The educational resource shows how the energy is the capacity to produce changes in the environment by doing work or transferring heat. This means that when a body transfers heat or does work, its energy decreases.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
The electric field intensity and the difference of potential
The educational resource shows a visual that represents a capacitor, a system made up of two conducting plates with equal charges, but with opposite signs, separated by an insulator or a vacuum. Inside it the intensity of the field is approximately uniform, equal at all points.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
The Earth´s orbit
In the following visual you can observe how the rotational axis of the earth is inclined; when the North Pole is furthest from the sun, the South Pole is nearest the sun and vice versa.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
The dangers of electricity
The following visual explains the precautions that should be taken into account when dealing with electricityÁrea de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
The changing Earth
The educational resource shows a Flash animation about the greenhouse effect The Earth is an open material system, because it interchanges matter and energy with outer space.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Teorema de las fuerzas vivas
El ODE muestra una escena interactiva donde se puede comprobar que el trabajo realizado por las fuerzas vivas (fuerza resultante ya restada la del rozamiento) que actúan sobre un sistema, es igual a su energía cinética.Contexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Tensión superficial II
Un montaje como el de la escena siguiente sirve para calcular la tensión superficial de un líquido jabonoso.Contexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Tensión superficial I
Concepto de tensión superficialContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Ten to the power of...
The study of matter allows us to encompass the known universe in a range of sizes and distances with lower and upper bounds.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Temperature scales
The educational resource shows an interactive animation about tempereture scales: there are various ways of expressing what the temperature of a body is. Each system is known as a temperature scale.Contexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Telescope (optics and resolution range)
Telescope: optics and resolution range. Amateur astronomy is an enjoyable and educational passtime. If at any time you are able and want to get an astronomical telescope you should first find out about its possibilities.Contexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Telescope (simulation)
The following visual which simulates a telescope can help you answer which telescope is better.Contexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Telescope (elements)
Telescope elements and the invention of the telescopeContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Tangential and normal components of acceleration (II)
This visual shows the intrinsic components of acceleration at different points in several complex trajectories.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Tabla de valores en MU
Las tablas de valores resumen de manera organizada un movimiento.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Tables and graphs in UM
Graphs of the movements make data tables unnecessary.Contexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Tables and graphs in accelerated movements
Concept of tables and graphs in accelerated movementsÁrea de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Tablas y gráficas en movimientos variados
Concepto de tablas y gráficas en movimientos variados. A la vista de la tabla de valores, puede deducirse cómo será la representación gráfica.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones