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Collaborative VoiceThread Stories
Top collaborative voicethread stories designed by participants in the "Digital Storytelling for Teachers" online course by @educaINTEF. March-May 2014 Edition. The course participants go on a 4-day-mission when they have to create oral collaborative challenges to foster speaking skills. Now that the mission is accomplished, we are sharing their top oral collaborative outcomes. Follow #storytelling_INTEFJakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuingurua -
Digital Storytelling for Teachers_Final Reflections_Lourdes Molejon's Prezi Hello, I'd like to share with you my final reflections on this great course on DIGITAL STORYTELLING FOR TEACHERS. I've learned so much and enjoyed discovering new tools and apps. Thanks a lot to the tutors and my classmates!! Kind regards LourdesHezkuntza-testuingurua -
E-Portfolio: Digital Storytelling for Teachers
This is a link tomy e-Porfolio designed to show the progess and outcome along the course entitled: "Digital Storytelling for Teachers". Other links are provided in the presentation leading to activities, tips, video recordings and so on, which may suggest ideas to implement in class. The aim isto use tools and apps in and out of the classroom to make writing and the art of storytelling an appealing activity for Secondary/Bachillerato students.Jakintza-arlo -
Silent Films
Top Silent Films created by participants in the "Digital Storytelling for Teachers" online course by@educaINTEF. March-May 2014 Edition. The course participants go on a3-day-mission when they have to create a silent film on their mobile devices that requires no Internet connection. Now that the mission is accomplished, we are sharing their top silent films. Follow#storytelling_INTEF.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuingurua- Bachillerato
- 10 - 11 años / Quinto curso
- 11 - 12 / Sexto curso
- 14 - 15 años / Tercer curso
- 15 - 16 / Cuarto curso
- Enseñanza oficial de idiomas
- 8 - 9 años / Tercer curso
- 9 - 10 años / Cuarto curso
- 6 -7 años / Primer curso
- 7 - 8 años / Segundo curso
- 12 - 13 años / Primer curso
- 13 - 14 años / Segundo curso
- Enseñanzas de artes plásticas y diseño
- Enseñanzas de música
- Enseñanzas de danza
- Enseñanzas de arte dramático
- Educación secundaria Obligatoria
- Educación primaria
- Formación del profesorado
- Enseñanza Oficial de Idiomas
Create a Welcome for your students
The participants in the INTEF Digital Storytelling For Teachers course have been accomplishing their first course weekly mission: creating a digital welcome for their students in 3 days. And they have successfully accomplished their mission! Here you are the outcomes for#welcome_storytelling Groups A&B - Group C - Group D - Group E- welcome
- #welcome_storytelling
- Storytelling
- #storytelling_intef
- digital storytelling for teachers
- Inglés
- A partir de 18/Formación Profesional - Grado Superior
- A partir de 16/Formación Profesional - Grado Medio
- A partir de 15 años/Formación Profesional Básica
- 3-6 años/2º Ciclo Infantil
- 0-3 años/1er Ciclo Infantil
Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuingurua- Bachillerato
- 10 - 11 años / Quinto curso
- 11 - 12 / Sexto curso
- 14 - 15 años / Tercer curso
- 15 - 16 / Cuarto curso
- Enseñanza oficial de idiomas
- 8 - 9 años / Tercer curso
- 9 - 10 años / Cuarto curso
- 6 -7 años / Primer curso
- 7 - 8 años / Segundo curso
- 12 - 13 años / Primer curso
- 13 - 14 años / Segundo curso
- Enseñanzas de artes plásticas y diseño
- Enseñanzas de música
- Enseñanzas de danza
- Enseñanzas de arte dramático
Twittering a tiny story
Twittering a tiny story is one of the first warm-up proposals participants in the 'Digital Storytelling for Teachers' online course by @educaINTEF have to accomplish every edition. The proposal consists of participants writing a tiny story that allows the readers' imagination to run with it, and tweet it. Here you are the tiny stories by the participants in the latest edition, all storified, although you can also follow the #tinystory_INTEF hashtag and read all of them. Twitter...Hezkuntza-testuingurua -
Collaborative Voicethread Stories
Top collaborative Voicethread stories by participants in the Digital Storytelling For Teachers online course at INTEF. October 2014 EditionHezkuntza-testuingurua -
My Global Project Evaluation
Here you can see my evaluation of the course and a summary of my work: I hope you enjoy it.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuingurua -
Top Screencasts to Support Learners. Weekly Mission by participants in Digital Storytelling For Teachers. INTEF. October 2014Hezkuntza-testuingurua -
Create a Silent Film - Weekly Mission #silentstorytelling #storytelling_INTEF
Top silent films designed by participants in the Digital Storytelling For Teachers online course at INTEF. October 2014 Edition. #silentstorytelling.Hezkuntza-testuingurua