Fossil fuels

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Energy from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) comes from substances which originated from the accumulation, millons of years ago, of large quantities of remains of living beings at the bottom of lakes and other sedimentary depressions. By clicking on the following controls you can learn more about each one of these fuels.

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publisher INTEF 18/06/2024 publisher indra_2013 18/06/2024 publisher proyectonewton 18/06/2024 publisher INTEF . 18/06/2024 publisher INTEF 18/06/2024 author Joaquín Recio Miñarro 18/06/2024 publisher Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) 18/06/2024 editor Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) 18/06/2024 technical validator Jesús Manuel Muñoz Calle 18/06/2024