Six e-proposals for CLIL e-projects
What are we crafting today? Six e-proposals for CLIL e-projects. An e-book to introduce some e-proposals to accomplish e-activities within CLIL e-projectswhich foster challengebased learning and develop various key competences.
Contexto educativo -
Mi portafolio AICLE Plants 3rd/4th level primary. Beatriz Montosa
" alt="Resource image" />
Área de conocimiento -
Writing Stories
A classroom experience developed by a group of future CLIL Primary teachers from URJC in Madrid, and a a group of CLIL Primary students with their teacher, at Colegio San Gregorio in Palencia, Spain. The aim of the experience is to foster digital reading and writing skills using social networks to e-connect.
Contexto educativo -
The Value of Wrinkles
This is a wall to pay a tribute to grandparents. If you know the project at and would like to pin, you are more than welcome to join us. Just follow the collaborative board and ask for an invite.
Área de conocimientoContexto educativo- Educación secundaria Obligatoria
- Enseñanza Oficial de Idiomas
- Formación Profesional Básica (más de 15 años)
- Ciclo formativo grado medio (más de 16 años)
- Ciclo formativo grado superior (más de 18 años)
- Bachillerato
- 10 - 11 años / Quinto curso
- 11 - 12 / Sexto curso
- 14 - 15 años / Tercer curso
- 15 - 16 / Cuarto curso
- Enseñanza oficial de idiomas
- 12 - 13 años / Primer curso
- 13 - 14 años / Segundo curso
- Formación del profesorado
TemplateCLILUNIT topic1Sciencce
" alt="Resource image" />Unidad didáctica AICLE, para 4º EPO - SCIENCE
Contexto educativo