Mostrando resultados 1 a 17 de un total de 17
Tú también eres guionista. Cómo escribir un guion - Eusebio Pastrana (@usepastrana)
En mayor o menor medida todos hemos desarrollado la habilidad de leer entre líneas, de comprender el subtexto y de interpretar las segundas intenciones de un texto escrito. Nos resulta asequible porque nosotros mismos somos escritores, conocemos y utilizamos el lenguaje y nos hemos acostumbrado desde pequeños a manejarlo como receptores y como emisores de mensajes. Las alfabetizaciones mediática, digital e informacional, así como el resto de alfabetizaciones múltiples y, muy en concreto la...Área de conocimiento -
EducaconTIC + noviembre = Narrativa Digital
Durante este último mes hemos dedicado nuestras entradas a la Narrativa digital, gracias a todos los colaboradores que nos han ilustrado sobre este tema. Antes de empezar, ¿te animas a crear historias en tu aula? Aquí te dejamos una fantástica herramienta. Comenzamos el mes de mano de María Brea que nos expuso los beneficios que supone trasladar al aula la creación de relatos digitales, y que podemos ver en esta infografía. Para completar esta información Néstor Alonso nos propuso qué a...Área de conocimientoContexto educativo -
#MissionComic_INTEF. Creating a comic about your subject
Comics designed by participants in @educaINTEF online Digital Storytelling for Teachers Training Course. March-May 2014 Edition, to accomplish Weekly Mission #2 "Create a comic about your subject".Contexto educativo -
Achievements, accomplishments, evidence of my learning in Digital Storytelling for teachers
In thelast three months I have been working hard in this course. The final result: all the effort has beenworth. These are the most important ideas that I have acquired in the development of the course: 1-.Digital Literacy/Citizenship/Safety: It is very important to create a document to explain the different internet safety rules and inform teachers, parents and students. 2-.Sharing Stories Through Comics:It is said that an image is worth a thousand words. Using comics you realize that stu... -
Digital Storytelling for Teachers on Pinterest
Pinterest boards regarding Digital Storytelling for Teachers, distributed as follows: Digital Literacy/Safety/Citizenship Sharing Stories Through Comics Video Storytelling Collaborative Storytelling Storytelling with Mobile Devices PresentationsContexto educativo -
Digital Storytelling Final Reflection
This is my Final Reflection Presentation for the course Digital Storytelling. I hope you enjoy.Área de conocimiento -
Digital Storytelling Portfolio
Hi there, After having done this fascinating course on Digital Storytelling, I would like to share here my experience through a Video I've created using Prezi Presentation and a Screen Video Recorder. It's been a great course though quite demanding and challenging at times, but worth trying. Regards, PatriciaÁrea de conocimientoContexto educativo -
This is a presentation that covers all the contents of the course Digital Storytelling for Teachers, october. -
Presentations designed by participants in @educaINTEF online Digital Storytelling for Teachers Training Course. March-May 2014 Edition,to accomplish Weekly Mission #1 "Create a Welcome for your students".Contexto educativo -
My final project -ePortfolio reflection-
This is my finalpresentation about the course Digital Storytelling, made with Prezi.It was a great experience!Contexto educativo -
ePortfolio Reflection Presentation
After finishing the course Digital Storytelling forTeachers, this is the final task: a presentation, made with Prezi, (one of the tools I have learnt to use in this course) where I describe my learningthroughout this two months.Contexto educativo -
#storytelling_screencast Screencasts to support learners
Top 5 screencasts designed by participants in "Digital Storytelling for Teachers" online course. March-May 2014 Edition. The course participants go on a 3-day-mission when they have to create a 3-to-5 minute video tutorial about how to use a tool they would like to introduce to their learners. Now that the mission is accomplished, we are sharing some of the most useful screencasts participants designed. Follow#storytelling_INTEF.Contexto educativo -
Storytelling Course
For round three months, I have been doing a course on Digital Storytelling. At first, when I knew about the existance of this course, I was quite attracted by it since storytelling is interesting per se,but I did not know how storytelling could be taught digitally. Therefore, I decided to enroll atit and I was one of the lucky ones to start it. The course has been divided into five modules, each one equally challenging: digital literacy, citizenship safety, sharing stories through comics, vi...Área de conocimiento -
3, 2, 1 Introductions
First digital stories designed by participants in the INTEF Digital Storytelling For Teachers course, telling about themselves in three steps. October 2014 Edition Group A - Group B - Group C - Group D - Group EÁrea de conocimientoContexto educativo- Bachillerato
- 10 - 11 años / Quinto curso
- 11 - 12 / Sexto curso
- 14 - 15 años / Tercer curso
- 15 - 16 / Cuarto curso
- Enseñanza oficial de idiomas
- 8 - 9 años / Tercer curso
- 9 - 10 años / Cuarto curso
- 6 -7 años / Primer curso
- 7 - 8 años / Segundo curso
- 12 - 13 años / Primer curso
- 13 - 14 años / Segundo curso
- Enseñanzas de artes plásticas y diseño
- Enseñanzas de música
- Enseñanzas de danza
- Enseñanzas de arte dramático
- 83498394
Final proyect Digital Storytelling course -
ePortfolio Reflection: Final Proyect.
This is the presentation about the course Digital Storytelling. A great experience. Thanks and see you soonContexto educativo -
Collaborative VoiceThread Stories
Top collaborative voicethread stories designed by participants in the "Digital Storytelling for Teachers" online course by @educaINTEF. March-May 2014 Edition. The course participants go on a 4-day-mission when they have to create oral collaborative challenges to foster speaking skills. Now that the mission is accomplished, we are sharing their top oral collaborative outcomes. Follow #storytelling_INTEFÁrea de conocimientoContexto educativo