Principio de Huygens
Método de análisis aplicado a los problemas de propagación de ondas. Se llama así en honor a los físicos Christiaan Huygens y Augustin-Jean Fresnel
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Tipos de lentes (flash)
En el visual se ve cómo se comporta la luz cuando atraviesa una lente bicóncava y una biconvexa.
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Viajes interesterales
Concepto de viajes interestelares
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Work of friction
The forces of friction, which oppose displacement, also carry out work when a body is moving. The work of friction is converted into heat. The greater the force of friction, the more force must be exerted to move the body. Verify how friction affects the displacement of some blocks.
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Which moves faster? (II)
Which UAM moves at a greater speed?
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What is work? (II)
Work is one of the ways of transmitting energy between bodies. The following visual will help you understand the concept of work by modifying the force and the angle which it forms with the horizontal. Click on help to see the possibilities it offers.
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What is work? (I)
The educational resource shows a visual about the work: in Physics, for there to be work there must be a force acting on an object and displacement of the object.
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What is the newton?
Concept of Newton. The newton is the unit of force in the International System of Units.
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What is radioactivity?
Concept of radioactivity. Radioactivity is the property which certain substances have for emitting radiation.
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What is energy?
A picture shows some transformations of energy. The energy from the sun passes to plants, to oil, to coal, to animals and to human beings; they take advantage of it by using the energy from oil, animals, coal, etc.
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Waves in the sea
Concept of Waves in the sea. The waves on the sea or those which form on any surface of water, are a special instance of undulatory movement.
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Concept of wavefront: wavefront is the locus of points characterized by propagation of positions of identical phase.
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Wave function
Concept of wave function: there is a mathematical function associated with every particle which behaves like the functions of other undulatory phenomena.
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Instrumento que mide el voltaje (caída de tensión o diferencia de potencial) entre los extremos de un elemento de un circuito eléctrico.
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The voltmeter is an instrument which measures voltages (tensions or differences of potential) between both ends of an element in a circuit through which there is an electric current circulating.
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Voltage measurement
Measure of the voltage. If you wish to measure the voltage in an electric circuit, you need a measuring device (multimeter)
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Vida media
La vida media representa el promedio de vida de un núcleo atómico de una muestra radiactiva.
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