Mostrando os resultados do 1 ao 20 dun total de 43
English Speaking Cities: Chicago
REA para la materia de inglés en 3ESO o 4ESO. Fomenta el uso de metodologías activas: aprendizaje basado en proyectosÁrea de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recurso -
Creating your own audio company
This OER features the topic of music and sound, not only from the perspective of musicians or public, but also from inside the audio industry. With this resource, students will be able to learn some basic notions about how to create an audio company, hire employees, interact with musicians and create a music festival. Students will acquire specific knowledge about vocabulary and grammar and will develop their communicative competence through listening and reading activities as well as speakin...Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recurso -
Pintura virtualizada
Esta es una secuencia didáctica dedicada al arte de la pintura. Conoceremos las etapas y los creadores más importantes de la historia de este arte. También aprenderemos a interpretar mejor los cuadros y a crear un archivo de obras pictóricas… Este recurso nos permite trabajar en torno a la pintura de una manera integral, cooperativa y abierta Vamos a poner voz, cara y vídeo a la pintura.Contexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Writing a newspaper | What a digital world!
Students will become familiar with the world of journalism by working on the contents of this resource. They will learn about key vocabulary and will have the chance to practice the English language with listening and reading activities, but above all, through writing and speaking tasks. The tasks intend to be like those situations that students could face in the future in the event of becoming journalists. Apart from that, as this resource fosters reading news articles, it can make students ...Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Safer Internet | What a digital world!
Safer Internet presents relevant contents related to Internet security. Within this OER, students will learn about some tips on how to recognize secure websites and how to search on the web in an effective way. The contents, activities and tasks will enable students to learn and extend their vocabulary about the Internet. This resource includes several learning situations in which students can develop their communicative skills.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
New York | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to New York to learn a lot of facts about America and its main cities and design an infographic about their lives. Each section is going to take place in a different part of the city of New York. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official websites ● watched videos about the city. ● posted tweets. ● recorded a video. ● recorded a podcast . ● made a digital poster. ● learnt the differenc...Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
My town | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about their hometowns. They will become touristic guides or promoters of their city by learning about it and design a final product (a flyer or a video). In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
The history of my family | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know vocabulary about family, relationships and the history of their family. They will become historians who investigate about the history of their families. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Festivities around the world | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about vocabulary about festivities and different English-speaking countries. They will become a researcher who investigate about the main data of a festivity the students have previously chosen. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Edinburgh | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to Edinburgh to learn a lot of facts of its main landmarks. Each section is going to take place in a different and famous part of the city of Edinburgh. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official web pages ● watched promotional videos of Edinburgh. ● posted tweets ● recorded a video ● recorded a podcast ● made a mind map. ● written a post. ● learnt the difference between...Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Dublin | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to Dublin to learn a lot of facts of of this city. Each section is going to take place in a different and famous part of the city of Dublin. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official web pages ● watched promotional videos of Dublin. ● posted tweets ● recorded a video clip ● recorded a podcast ● written an informative text. ● made a digital poster. ● made an oral present...Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Designing and advert | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about comparisons and how to express ability. They will become an advertiser who design a multimedia campaign for a product they have invented. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
A cookbook | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about vocabulary about food, different typical foods around the world, how to order food in a restaurant or eating healthy food.. They will become a chef and write a recipe for a cookbook of the class. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Belfast | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to Ireland to learn a lot of facts of Belfast and design and record an interview. Each section is going to take place in a different and famous part of the city of Belfast. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official web pages. ● watched promotional. ● posted tweets. ● recorded a video. ● recorded a podcast. ● made a digital poster. ● learnt the difference between the pas...Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Becoming a cinema director | What a digital world!
This OER features the topic of cinema, not only from the perspective of viewers, but also from inside the film industry. With this resource, students will be able to learn some basic notions about how to make a film and will have the chance to play roles as if they were actors. Students will acquire specific knowledge about vocabulary and grammar and will develop their communicative competence through listening and reading activities as well as speaking and writing tasks.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
A TV programme | What a digital world!
This OER focuses on the students’ selfpromotion in the case of looking for a job. The act of searching for a job will be carried out by students in the future, but we consider as important that, at this stage of life, they get started to reflect on their skills and on what they are like in terms of personality and start thinking of what jobs they could be really good at in the future. With Your first CV, students will be able to get to know themselves better and will become familiar with how ...Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
A sport journalist | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about diferente sports, and also they will investigate about different sportsmen or sportswomen. They will become a sport journalist who will interview an athlete. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Apps and games | What a digital world!
This resource will enable students to go into the world of apps and games. They will become a bit of technology experts by learning about security, responsible use and installation of games and applications. on electronic devices. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practice different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
3Rs campaign | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about vocabulary of recycling topic and how to express suggestions and intentions in English. They will become a publiscist and create a campaign for your schoolmates. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de coñecementoContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones -
Viajando por España
Recurso Educativo Abierto para Geografía e Historia en Secundaria basado en la metodología de aprendizaje por proyectos. Se trabajan objetivos y contenidos relacionados con la Geografía política, física y económica de EspañaContexto educativoTipo de recursoColecciones