Activity designed for students of C1 level
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American Drama: Arthur Miller
Flipped lesson on 20th C. American Drama and Arthur Miller.
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Listening activity based on a video called 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. It also includes vocabulary and discussion activities. Level: B2-C1
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The Benefits of Having a Bilingual Brain (listening task)
Listening activity based on a video called 'The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain'. It includes some discussion questions. Level B2-C1
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How Language Shapes the Way We Think (TED TALK lesson)
Listening comprehension and discussion lesson based on the TED TALK "How Language Shapes the Way We Think" by cognitive scientist Lera Boroditsky. It includes three activities: vocabulary, listening and discussion. C1-C2 level
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New Times, New Crimes: Like a Fish Needs a Bicycle
Enseñanzas Oficiales de Idiomas Curso e Idioma: Inglés Nivel de Marco Común de Referencia Europeo: C1
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What is a family
Recurso dirigido a estudiantes adultos de inglés de niveles B2 y C1 de EOI sobre el tema de la familia en la sociedad actual.
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