School of Wizards. I became an amazing wizard! | Extraordinaries Ones Academy
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the world of wizards. Students will develop the key competences and the specific competences. At the end of this project, they will have learnt to: •to debate and take decisions •to understand and produce oral and written messages •to interact and mediate orally and with written information •to explain information and remember details •to develop research skills and visual design skills •to learn vocabulary related t...
Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Schools of Monsters. Me as a Monster! | Extraordinary Ones Academy
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the world of monsters. Students will develop the key competences and the specific competences. At the end of this project, they will have learnt: •The alphabet and English phonics. •verbs of actions, verb ‘to be’ and ‘to have got’. •to count until 30 and ordinal numbers until 10. •to introduce themselves. •to express feelings and emotions. •to apologise. •to know the days of the week and the months of t...
Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
School of Wizards. New at school | Extraordinary Ones Academy
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the world of wizards. Students will develop the key competences and the specific competences. At the end of this project, they will have learnt: -To read and write letters and emails and to analyse their structure. -To debate, organise and take decisions. -To describe what they are doing in a specific moment. - To describe using the verb to be and to work in the past. -Vocabulary related to personality descripti...
Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones