How to to Identify Fake News Infographic.pdf
Infografía sobre cómo detectar fake news para clase de inglés
Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide mota -
Parques Eólicos de Jumilla
Parques Eólicos de Jumilla
Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide mota -
Wind energy
The educational resource shows information about the concept windy energy and its advantages and its disadvantages.
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What is energy?
A picture shows some transformations of energy. The energy from the sun passes to plants, to oil, to coal, to animals and to human beings; they take advantage of it by using the energy from oil, animals, coal, etc.
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Tidal energy
The educational resource shows information about the concept tidal energy and its advantages and its disadvantages.
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Thermal energy
The educational resource shows information about the concept of thermal energy: thermal energy is due to the movement of the particles which make up matter.
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Solar energy
The educational resource shows information about the solar energy and its advantages and its disadvantages.
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Renewable energy sources
Renewable energy sources are those which after being used can be regenerated naturally or artificially. The following pictures are graphic examples rof enewable energy sources.
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Oil is the product of the decomposition of the remains of microscopic living organisms which millions of years ago inhabited the seas, lakes and river estuaries. Oil today has a multitude of applications. This is why is it essential not to waste it simply as fuel. The following visual shows how it is formed and how it is used.
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Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy is the energy stored in the nuclei of atoms and it is released in the nuclear reactions of fission and fusion.
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Nuclear power station
The educational resource shows information about a nuclear power station, how it works and its advantages and its disadvantages.
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Natural gas
The educational resource shows information about the concept of natural gas: Natural gas has a similar origin to oil and is usually found forming a layer or deposit on the top of oil fields.
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Mechanical energy
Mechanical energy is what is produced by mechanical type forces, like elastic and gravitational forces.The following three pictures show situations involving mechanical energy.
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Etwinning project awarded with national and European Quality Label
Hezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide mota -
The internal combustion engine
The educational resource shows an interactive animation about the internal combustion engine: in real combustion engines, the energy is extracted from the combustion of some type of fuel, which has been injected into a cylinder, finely pulverised and mixed with oxygen. Then the combustible mixture is compressed and ignited to explode. That is why these engines are known as combustion engines.
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Electrical energy
Electrical energy is caused by the movement of the electric charges inside conductors. This energy fundamentally produces 3 types of effects: luminous, thermal and magnetic.The following visual tries to give greater details about what electrical energy is.
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Carnot´s ideal engine
The educational resource shows an interactive animation about the Carnot's engine: it is a theoretical model, not a real one, but we can already see in it the fundamental characteristics of real heat engines.The system is based on the phenomena of the expansion and contraction of gases through heat gain and loss.
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Biomass energy
The educational resource shows information about the concept biomass energy and its advantages and its disadvantages.
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The educational resource shows information about the coal: coal is a light, black substance which comes from the fossilization of vegetable matter. Coal is used as an industrial fuel, in power stations and in home heating. There are 4 types of coal: anthracite, bituminous coal, lignite and peat.You can see how they are formed in the following animation.
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Fossil fuels
Energy from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) comes from substances which originated from the accumulation, millons of years ago, of large quantities of remains of living beings at the bottom of lakes and other sedimentary depressions. By clicking on the following controls you can learn more about each one of these fuels.
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