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The solar system (II)
The educational resource shows a visual: it is a simulation of the solar system, you can select the planet you want to see and also vary the plane of the orbits.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The solar system (I)
The educational resource shows a visual about the solar system: the solar system is formed by the sun and all the astronomical bodies which orbit around it.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The signs of the zodiac
The educational resource shows a visual about the signs of Zodiac: every year, the earth goes once round the Sun and as this movement is carried out, from the earth we see the sky in a similar way at the same time of year. This is the basis of Astrology.The following visual shows what the Zodiac has to do with the annual movement of the Earth.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The principle of superposition (II)
The educational resource shows a visual about the intensity of the electric field: a body's electric charge alters the space which surrounds it. The magnitude which measures this alteration at a determined point is the intensity of the electric field at this point. It is defined as the force exerted on the unit of positive charge situated at this point.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The principle of superposition (I)
The educational resource shows a visual about the principle of superposition: when we talk about systems with more than two bodies, we have to bear in mind the Principle of superposition of forces: the force exerted by one body on another is independent of that exerted by the rest.Hezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The shape of galaxies
The educational resource shows a visual about the shape of galaxies: what causes the variety of shapes among galaxies? Some are spiral galaxies, others are elliptical or spherical.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The planets
The educational resource shows a visual about the planets: in addition to our planet, there are another eight planets travelling around the sun.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The Milky Way
The educational resource shows a visual about the Milky way: you can manipulate our galaxy in the following visual to see its characterstics.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The mechanical equivalent of heat
The educational resource shows an interactive animation about the mechanical equivalent of heat.Hezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The inclined plane
The inclined plane concept. With an inclined plane we can understand what forces are acting on the bodies resting on surfaces.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The heating curve
The educational resource shows an interactive animation about the heating curve: when a body is heated, its temperature increases until there is a change of state; while the change takes place, the temperature remains constant.Hezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The generalization of Ohm's law
Relation between the power consumed and the supplied one for the generator.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The second law of thermodynamics
The educational resource shows an interactive animation about the second law of thermodynamics for heat engines: it is not possible to achieve perpetual motion based on continuous reciprocal conversion between two forms of energy.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The first law of thermodynamics
The educational resource shows an interactive animation about the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics establishes that energy is distributed in different ways, but it is not created or destroyed.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The energy of material systems
The educational resource shows how the energy is the capacity to produce changes in the environment by doing work or transferring heat. This means that when a body transfers heat or does work, its energy decreases.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The electric field intensity and the difference of potential
The educational resource shows a visual that represents a capacitor, a system made up of two conducting plates with equal charges, but with opposite signs, separated by an insulator or a vacuum. Inside it the intensity of the field is approximately uniform, equal at all points.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The Earth´s orbit
In the following visual you can observe how the rotational axis of the earth is inclined; when the North Pole is furthest from the sun, the South Pole is nearest the sun and vice versa.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The dangers of electricity
The following visual explains the precautions that should be taken into account when dealing with electricityJakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The changing Earth
The educational resource shows a Flash animation about the greenhouse effect The Earth is an open material system, because it interchanges matter and energy with outer space.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Teorema de las fuerzas vivas
El ODE muestra una escena interactiva donde se puede comprobar que el trabajo realizado por las fuerzas vivas (fuerza resultante ya restada la del rozamiento) que actúan sobre un sistema, es igual a su energía cinética.Hezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones