Emaitzak erakusten 81 100 290 guztira
Confirmación de hipótesis
Concepto de confirmación de hipótesis. El método científico.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Free fall
The educational resource shows a visual about the free fall in vacuum: whatever their shape and mass, all bodies fall with the same speed in a vacuum.Baliabide motaColecciones -
Free fall in air
The educational resource shows a visual about the free fall in air: when a body falls through a fluid such as air, its shape is important.Hezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Evolución de las estrellas
Concepto de la evolución de las estrellas. El ODE muestra información acerca de qué es una estrella y se puede interactuar con una animaciónJakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Data gathering (II)
Concept registration dataJakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
La materia causa la gravedad
Concepto de la materia causa la gravedadJakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Energía potencial eléctrica
Concepto de la energía potencial eléctrica. El ODE muestra una animación donde se puede trabajar el concepto de energía potencial eléctrica a través de modificar los valores de dos cargas (una fija y otra móvil) interpretando el gráfico que se obtiene al desplazar la carga móvil hacia el infinito.Hezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Biomass energy
The educational resource shows information about the concept biomass energy and its advantages and its disadvantages.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
The educational resource shows information about the coal: coal is a light, black substance which comes from the fossilization of vegetable matter. Coal is used as an industrial fuel, in power stations and in home heating. There are 4 types of coal: anthracite, bituminous coal, lignite and peat.You can see how they are formed in the following animation.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Chemical energy
The educational resource shows information about the concept of chemical energy: chemical energy is what is produced in chemical reactions. An energy cell or a battery possess this type of energy. The gas burning in a cigarette lighter shows how the chemical energy contained in the gas is transformed into light and heat.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Fossil fuels
Energy from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) comes from substances which originated from the accumulation, millons of years ago, of large quantities of remains of living beings at the bottom of lakes and other sedimentary depressions. By clicking on the following controls you can learn more about each one of these fuels.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Density (calculations)
Concept of density. Performing calculations.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Factores de conversión
Concepto de factores de conversión. Fracción en la que el numerador y el denominador valen lo mismo (son valores iguales expresados en unidades distintas)Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Graph representing work
The area of the graph between the curve F and the X axis, represents the work carried out by the force between the two positions x0 and x. Review how to use the following visual and carry out the two proposed activities for a better understanding.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Electric field intensity II
The educational resource shows a visual about the intensity of the electric field: What are the lines of force in a field created by two electric charges?Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Lines of force
The educational resource shows a visual about the graphically represent the electric field: we use the concept of lines of force.Jakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones -
Analysis and interpretation, results
Concepts of analysis and interpretation of results within the scientific methodJakintza-arloHezkuntza-testuinguruaBaliabide motaColecciones