What you usually DO & What you ARE DOING now!
In this REA, 1st year students from "International Commerce" are going to use their linguistic skills in working situations.
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EOI_IN5 - Tema 6.2. Life Cycle: Talking shop
Enseñanzas Oficiales de Idiomas Curso e Idioma: Inglés Nivel Intermedio B2: Segundo curso Nivel de Marco Común de Referencia Europeo: B2.2
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Work of friction
The forces of friction, which oppose displacement, also carry out work when a body is moving. The work of friction is converted into heat. The greater the force of friction, the more force must be exerted to move the body. Verify how friction affects the displacement of some blocks.
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Graph representing work
The area of the graph between the curve F and the X axis, represents the work carried out by the force between the two positions x0 and x. Review how to use the following visual and carry out the two proposed activities for a better understanding.
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Gravitatonial potential energy
The educational resource shows a visual about gravitational potential energy: the calculation of gravitational potential energy is very easy for small heights.
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Forces do work
Forces can carry out work. The work done by a force is different if it has the same direction and orientation as the displacement, or if its direction is different.
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Work, Power and Energy
Teaching unit work and energy for 4 º ESO. Work (W). Energy. Work and energy. Power (P) of a force / machine.
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