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Sensor Temperatura con la Placa Microbit y Makecode
Sensor de Temperatura con la Placa Microbit y programación MAKECODE
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Camp gravitatori
Interacció gravitatòria. Física 2
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El proyecto de investigación estudia los rasgos políticos, sociales y económicos del Antiguo Régimen y las novedades en todos los ámbitos que anticiparon el advenimiento de una nueva era histórica: La Contemporánea. El área de Filosofía está vinculada con estos contenidos, ya que algunos de los autores de la Ilustración también son objeto de estudio de la asignatura, pero también con el área de Lengua y Literatura, tanto en lo referido a autores del siglo XVIII como en lo relacionado con la p...
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Proyecto de las fuerzas
Las fuerzas de la naturaleza.
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Fuerzas de la naturaleza
Breve guía para el tema de las fuerzas de la naturaleza.
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Principio de Huygens
Método de análisis aplicado a los problemas de propagación de ondas. Se llama así en honor a los físicos Christiaan Huygens y Augustin-Jean Fresnel
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Tipos de lentes (flash)
En el visual se ve cómo se comporta la luz cuando atraviesa una lente bicóncava y una biconvexa.
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Viajes interesterales
Concepto de viajes interestelares
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Work-kinetic energy theorem
The theorem of live forces establishes that the work carried out by the forces acting on a system, is equal to its kinetic energy.
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Work carried out by a pendulum
The following visual studies the work done by a pendulum: it is difficult to calculate as the force which acts on it varies constantly.
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Work done streching a spring
When we stretch a spring, the work we carry out varies as we stretch it. The following visual simulates the force exerted by a student on a spring. Choose a force constant for the spring and start the visual.
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Work of friction
The forces of friction, which oppose displacement, also carry out work when a body is moving. The work of friction is converted into heat. The greater the force of friction, the more force must be exerted to move the body. Verify how friction affects the displacement of some blocks.
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Wind energy
The educational resource shows information about the concept windy energy and its advantages and its disadvantages.
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Which moves faster? (II)
Which UAM moves at a greater speed?
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Which moves faster? (I)
Which URM moves at a greater speed?
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What is work? (II)
Work is one of the ways of transmitting energy between bodies. The following visual will help you understand the concept of work by modifying the force and the angle which it forms with the horizontal. Click on help to see the possibilities it offers.
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What is work? (I)
The educational resource shows a visual about the work: in Physics, for there to be work there must be a force acting on an object and displacement of the object.
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What is the normal force?
Concept of normal force: is the force exerted by a surface on a body which is resting on it.
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