Showing results from 101 to 120 out of 376
El papel de la Inteligencia Artificial en las distintas profesiones.
En la era actual, donde la influencia de la Inteligencia Artificial es innegable, es esencial que el alumnado la considere determinante al tomar decisiones sobre su educación y carrera profesional.Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recurso -
Situación de aprendizaje. María del Mar Barbosa Marín
Situación de aprendizaje relacionada con las reacciones químicas para el curso 2º ESO.Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recurso -
Proyecto EDIA. Recurso de Lengua y Literatura para 4º de Secundaria. “Literatura sin límites”
“Literatura sin límites” completa el proyecto «Hacemos cosas con palabras», que recoge los REA correspondientes a la materia de Lengua Castellana y Literatura en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria dentro del proyecto EDIA. Este quinto proyecto forma parte del conjunto de propuestas presentadas para desarrollar el currículo de cuarto curso en relación con el bloque de saberes básicos de “Educación literaria” y que pretenden ofrecer al profesorado y alumnado de este nivel un itinerario lite...Área de conocimientoContexto educativo -
Diseñamos un estampado
Exelearning de la Situación de Aprendizaje de Educación Plástica para el curso de 3º ESO en la cual los alumnos realizarán como producto final el Diseño del Estampado de una CamisetaÁrea de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recurso -
Entre realidad o deseo. ¿Somos románticos o realistas? | Somos literatura
Esta propuesta tiene como eje fundamental el trabajo con los textos literarios del siglo XIX. Quiere conseguir a través del desarrollo de las competencias específicas del área los siguientes objetivos didácticos: – Leer, de manera guiada, textos literarios del siglo XIX y construir, de manera compartida su sentido. – Reconocer las características básicas de los movimientos literarios del XIX y de los autores y autoras de la época. – Aplicar estas características al análisis y comentario ...Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
Your first CV | What a digital world!
This OER focuses on the students’ selfpromotion in the case of looking for a job. The act of searching for a job will be carried out by students in the future, but we consider as important that, at this stage of life, they get started to reflect on their skills and on what they are like in terms of personality and start thinking of what jobs they could be really good at in the future. With Your first CV, students will be able to get to know themselves better and will become familiar with how ...Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
The world was created for all biengs | Agenda 2030
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the Agenda 2030: SDG 12, 13, 14 & 17. Students will develop the key competences and the specific competences. At the end of this project, they will have learnt: - To respect life below wate, life on land and the environment. - To know the meaning of responsible consumption and production and partnership for goals. - To explain information, remember details and reading awareness. - To skim and scan articles writte...Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
Safer Internet | What a digital world!
Safer Internet presents relevant contents related to Internet security. Within this OER, students will learn about some tips on how to recognize secure websites and how to search on the web in an effective way. The contents, activities and tasks will enable students to learn and extend their vocabulary about the Internet. This resource includes several learning situations in which students can develop their communicative skills.Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
Our Country Expo | What a digital world!
With this OER, students will become tourist representatives at an exhibition in which the stands of several cities, regions or countries will offer their best to attract visitors. With the linguistic contents included in this resource, students will acquire specific knowledge about vocabulary and grammar and will develop their communicative competence through listening and reading activities as well as through speaking and writing tasks.Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
My town | English in my daily life
This resource will allow the student to know a bit more about their hometowns. They will become touristic guides or promoters of their city by learning about it and design a final product (a flyer or a video). In this resource, students are provided with activities to practise different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the 2030 Agenda: SDG 1, 2, 3 & 4. Students will develop both: key and specific competences. At the end of this project, they will have learnt: life necessities meaning of living in poverty, hunger, good health & well-being, education of quality and vocabulary related their semantic field. to explain information. to remember details. to skim and scan articles written in not adapted English. to identify c...Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
London | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to London to learn a lot of facts about The UK and its main cities and write an opinion article about teenagers and free time. Each section is going to take place in a different part of London. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official websites of different tourist attractions and about entertainment in London. ● watched videos about the city. ● posted tweets. ● recorded ...Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
Equality, a reality and not a dream! | 2030 Agenda
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the Agenda 2030: SDG 5, 8, 10 & 16. Students will develop the key competences and the specific competences. They will have learnt: ● To remember details. ● To develop research skills and visual design skills. ● To express general truth, future events, hypothetical situations and regrets and planned actions, arrangements, predictions and spontaneity. ● To debate ● To skim and scan and reading awareness. ● Vocabulary r...Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
Cork | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to Ireland to learn a lot of facts of Cork and its main landmarks. Each section is going to take place in a different and famous part of the city of Cork. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official web pages. ● watched promotional videos of Cork. ● posted tweets. ● recorded a video. ● recorded a podcast. ● made a digital poster. ● learnt the present perfect, affirmative ...Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
Apps and games | What a digital world!
This resource will enable students to go into the world of apps and games. They will become a bit of technology experts by learning about security, responsible use and installation of games and applications. on electronic devices. In this resource, students are provided with activities to practice different linguistic contents that will help them perform several tasks using English as the vehicle of communication.Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
Introduction to the 2030 AGENDA: Sustainable Development Goals | 2030 agenda
This OER will improve both English skills and ICT ones by using as a context the 2030 Agenda. Students will develop both: key and specific competences. At the end of this project, they will have learnt: all the sustainable development goals, vocabulary related to sustainability, to discuss the meaning of being a Changemaker, to tell the difference between 'needs' and 'wants,’ to plan to make our world a better place, to use their own words to explain what solidarity means,...Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
Viajando por España
Recurso Educativo Abierto para Geografía e Historia en Secundaria basado en la metodología de aprendizaje por proyectos. Se trabajan objetivos y contenidos relacionados con la Geografía política, física y económica de EspañaContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
London | English Speaking Cities
Students will travel to London to learn a lot of facts about The UK and its main cities and write an opinion article about teenagers and free time. Each section is going to take place in a different part of London. In each place, there is a proposal of tasks, challenges and activities. At the end of the project, they will have: ● read official websites of different tourist attractions and about entertainment in London. ● watched videos about the city. ● posted tweets. ● recorded ...Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recursoCollections -
Recurso Educativo Abierto para Educación Pástica, Visual y Audiovisual y materias afines en Secundaria basado en la metodología de aprendizaje por proyectos. Se trabajan objetivos y contenidos relacionados con la Educación Plástica, Viisual y Audiovisual e Historia del Arte .Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recurso -
Deportes del Mundo
Actividad para las clases de EF. El alumno deberá ir investigar diferentes modalidades deportivas que se juegan en otros países y ponerla en práctica en clase.Área de conocimientoContexto educativoTipo de recurso