Fixed stars
The educational resource shows a visual about fixed stars: today we know that the sun is no more than a star which is near to us. Stars like the sun, which are large gaseous spheres are called fixed stars.
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Evolution of stars
The educational resource shows a visual about the evolution of stars. The visual allows you to have an idea of the main properties of a star during its normal life, that is, not during its birth or its death.
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The educational resource shows a visual about the comets: Comets are small bodies, generally measuring less than 100 km in diameter. They tend to be made principally of ice. When they near the Sun, they exhibit a tail (or coma) for which they are famous.
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The Earth and the Universe
In this teaching unit you will learn: To understand in a qualitative way the notion of relative movement, to a sufficient degree to be able to explain the apparent movement of heavenly bodies as a consequence of the earth's rotation and translation. To explain in terms of these same movements the succession of days and nights and the seasons of the year. To know the components of the solar system and some of its most interesting properties. To understand the analogous nature among the sun and...
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