Es mostren els resultats 1 a 10 d'un total de 10
TV time
Proyecto donde se trabajan los diferentes tipos de programas y la hora.Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recurs -
Once Upon a Time
And finally, here you have My Digital Device. The result of the development of this CLILonline course cannot be reflected on it, because in my opinion, CLILmethodology has no end. Enjoy it!Context educatiu -
Proyecto Final: CLIL Time
Aquí queda recogido todo el proceso de aprendizaje que hemos realizado a lo largo del curso: Uso de Recursos Educativos Abiertos para el aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras (AICLE) M.L. Castellano -
Efficiency of a machine
Efficiency is a concept associated with work done by machines.In Physics this concept is defined as the quotient between the useful work done by the machine in a given interval of time and the total work invested in the machine during the same amount of time. The following visual summarises what efficiency is.Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Indirect measurements
Concept of indirect measurementsÀrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Undulatory phenomena
Didactic unit about waves and undulatory phenomena for 4 º compulsory secondary education course. What is a harmonic vibration? What is a wave? Superposition of waves. Phenomenon of diffraction. Other properties of waves.Tipus de recursColecciones -
Linear momentum
Didactic unit about momentum for 4th of compulsory secondary education. Introduction. Momentum and Impulse. Collisions of particles. Disintegration of particles.Tipus de recursColecciones -
Moving Bodies
Introductory Kinematics teaching unit for 2nd year of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) (MEC). Different types of movement. Uniform motion. Accelerated motions. Representations of Movements.Àrea de coneixementTipus de recursColecciones -
Static teaching unit on the 4th year of compulsory secondary education. Magnitude Forces (or Length), Sense and Components of a Force direction. Effect of various forces. Resulting. Balancing force. Activities.Tipus de recursColecciones -
Christmas time
Formas de expresar el futuro en inglésÀrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recurs