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Curso Matemáticas 1º ESO
Curso completo de Matemáticas para 1º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria dentro del Proyecto Descartes, en el que se enlazan las Unidades Didácticas que lo componen.Àrea de coneixement -
Notación científica
Concepto de notación científicaÀrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Operations with integers - II
In this unit, we revise the basic ideas of integers and we use them to practise the following operations: sum, multiplication, division and powers. Before starting this unit, students should have studied integers in class in the traditional way. These activities are suitable as a complement to get a better understanding of the concepts and the operations. The numbers that appear in each window are generated at random. This allows you to use the window indefinitely and practise a lot of differ...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Interpretación de gráficas
Esta unidad didáctica está pensada para aprender a relacionar de manera gráfica dos magnitudes e interpretar de manera elemental algunos comportamientos de esas relaciones. Se introducen de manera elemental los conceptos de crecimiento y decrecimiento y máximos y mínimos. Se aprende a relacionar las tablas de valores con sus representaciones gráficas.Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Los cuadriláteros: definición y clasificación. Cálculo de áreas y perímetros.
En esta unidad didáctica se clasifican y estudian los distintos tipos de cuadriláteros, analizando las características de cada uno de ellos. Una de las dificultades con que se encuentra el alumnado es reconocer figuras geométricas cuando no están en su "posición habitual". Por ello creemos conveniente que manipule los vértices de los cuadriláteros y realice, en algunas escenas, movimientos de las figuras en el plano, conservando las medidas (traslaciones y giros), de forma que adquiera habili...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Los números enteros
En esta unidad didáctica abordamos el tema de los números enteros. Este es un tema especialmente difícil para el alumnado hasta ahora acostumbrados a trabajar con los números naturales y los decimales. Con los enteros aparece un nuevo dato: el signo que nos da nueva información diferente según el contexto en el que se aplique. Por otra parte, las reglas que rigen las operaciones con números enteros son reglas algebraicas y chocan en ocasiones con la lógica utilizada hasta el momento. No desc...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Square root
After the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) the square root is another mathematical operation which is traditionally studied at primary and secondary schools, because it is necessary to solve problems using the Pythagoras theorem, proportions and second grade equations. Nowadays, the calculation ease supplied by calculators and computers may lead us to think that learning mental calculation is no longer necessary. However, we also have technical means ...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
La raíz cuadrada
Después de las cuatro operaciones básicas: suma, resta, multiplicación y división, es la raíz cuadrada la operación matemática cuyo algoritmo se ha estudiado tradicionalmente en la escuela y enseñanza secundaria, ya que es necesaria para resolver problemas de teorema de Pitágoras, proporciones y ecuaciones de segundo grado. Actualmente, la facilidad en el cálculo que aportan las calculadoras y ordenadores nos puede hacer pensar que ya no es necesario aprender a calcular mentalmente. Pero tamb...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
The main principles and properties of powers are revised in the first pages to let students discover them intuitively when using the windows. Then students can check their knowledge of these principles through simple excercises. In the pages with calculation games students can practice mental calculation of multiplications and divisions and apply the index laws. Finally it revises one of the applications of powers, how it is the factor decomposition of a number.Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
En las primeras páginas se da un repaso a los principales conceptos y propiedades de las potencias permitiendo que el alumnado los vaya descubriendo intuitivamente al manipular las escenas. Seguidamente, en otra página comprobarán su dominio sobre esos conceptos mediante ejercicios sencillos. En las páginas de juegos de cálculo practicarán el cálculo mental de multiplicaciones y divisiones y aplicarán los conceptos estudiados sobre potencias. Finalmente se recuerda una de las aplicaciones de ...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Ángulos, rectas, áreas y perímetros
Unidad didáctica Descartes centrada en estudiar los elementos fundamentales de la Geometría Plana, como son los puntos, rectas, ángulos, áreas y perímetros. Y para ello se utiliza una herramienta importantísima en el desarrollo de esta disciplina, como es el Plano Cartesiano, que consiste en la representación gráfica de un plano en el que aparecen de manera destacada dos rectas graduadas y perpendiculares entre sí, que se llamarán ejes de coordenadas o también ejes cartesianos en honor de Ren...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Representing numbers on a straight line
This short unit shows how whole numbers and decimals can be represented on a straight line. The concept of ordering numbers graphically is also introduced.Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Operations with natural numbers - II
In this unit, we revise the basic ideas of natural numbers and we use them to practise the following operations: addition, multiplication, division and powers. The numbers that appear in each window are generated at random. This allows you to use the window indefinitely and practise a lot of different exercises. Numbers consist of only one or two figures so the calculations can easily be done mentally. Magic squares with sums and multiplications are used in the exercises, however the main obj...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Operations with natural numbers - I
In this unit, basic concepts of natural numbers are revised and the operations of addition and subtraction are practised. Numbers that appear in each window are generated at random. This allows you to use the window indefinitely and practise a lot of different exercises. Numbers consist of only one or two figures so the calculations can easily be done mentally. Magic squares are used in the exercises, however the main objective of this unit is to learn things about natural numbers.Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Square metres, cubic metres
These activities are designed to be viewed on a 17-inch screen and with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels because some windows show measurements in centimetres and millimetres that, when viewed with another configuration, won't correspond with reality; and the size of some windows can even be too big. This unit only deals with a basic knowledge on length, volume and weight units, as studied in primary school. It does not deal with the other units of the International System. Moreover, the stu...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Regular polygons and circles
This unit is based on the study of the properties of regular polygons, their basic characteristics and the concept of the circle as a regular polygon with an infinite number of sides. As this unit is aimed at students in their first and second years of secondary education the content is at a very basic, purely constructive level.Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Ratio and proportional division
This unit has been designed to introduce the concept of both direct and inverse proportional parts or quantities. We will approach the above-mentioned concepts through a series of problems and exercises and also focus on methods which will allow us to apply these concepts to similar situations.Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Metres, litres, kilograms
These activities are designed to be viewed on a 17-inch screen and with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels because some windows show measurements in centimetres and millimetres that, when viewed with another configuration, won't correspond with reality; and the size of some windows can even be too big. This unit only deals with a basic knowledge on length, volume and weight units, as studied in primary school. It does not deal with the other units of the International System. Moreover, the stu...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
Operations with integers - I
In this unit, we revise the basic ideas of integers and we use them to practise the following operations: sums and subtractions. Before starting this unit, students should have studied integers in class in the traditional way. These activities can be used as a complement to reinforce and understand the concepts and the operations better. The numbers that appear in each window are generated at random. This allows you to use the window indefinitely and practise a lot of different exercises. Num...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones -
The cartesian plane
Students are expected to have already worked with this kind of representation on paper: tables of values, battleships etc. If this isn't the case then it could be introduced by getting students to match a pair of numbers to a member of a set to represent something such as seats in a cinema or where the students themselves are seated in the classroom. This unit introduces students to the Cartesian plane through activities which encourage them to understand concepts related to cartesian coordin...Àrea de coneixementContext educatiuTipus de recursColecciones